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Biographical Sketch
My Dad, Ronald Sedlacek and my Mom, Lois Sedlacek met in Salem, Ohio, and were married in Christiansburg, Virginia, near my Mother’s hometown. I was born on August 15, 1973, in Salem, Ohio, where they were teaching. We moved to Virginia where my brother, Tim was born, and then to Pennsylvania. Later we moved back to Virginia, where my sister, Elizabeth was born. We remained there until I was seventeen. While in Virginia, I attended the Bible Holiness Church, where my parents had been married. I also attended the Bible Holiness Christian Academy, which was operated by my Church.
My Dad got a new job teaching Math and Science in Cincinnati, Ohio, so our family moved to Cincinnati, and I attended God’s Bible High School until I graduated. I graduated as Valedictorian in May of 1992, and enrolled in God’s Bible School & College, with a Major in Biblical Studies. I met my wife, Aleyda Hernandez at God’s Bible School & College, and we were married right about the time I graduated with a B.A. in Biblical Studies. I worked a year in Security work and then joined the US Army once we received news that my wife was pregnant. I served nearly six years and my two sons, James and Karl, were born during this time. I was injured and left military service, and soon enrolled in a graduate program.
I completed a M.Div. at Cincinnati Christian University and received the Stone-Campbell Journal Promising Scholar award upon graduation in 2010. I have worked closely with the Stone-Campbell Journal as a book review coordinator and manager of displays at its annual conference. I was encouraged to pursue a teaching career by several professors I knew at Cincinnati Christian University. Next I taught New Testament for four years at Cincinnati Christian Schools, a multi-denominational, college preparatory, Christian High School. I completed the requirements for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene in 2011. I enrolled into a PhD program in 2014, after some postgraduate work at Nazarene Theological College, a partner college of The University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom.
I have completed my dissertation, which answers questions about the verbal aspect of the Greek Perfect tense-form, and its effect on usage. I interact with a number of scholars who are experts on either Greek Grammar or Linguistics. I critique most things I read on both subjects and strive to clarify the issues being discussed on this matter in the scholarly community to those interested in applying these things to their interpretation. I defended my dissertation while sick with Covid-19 and just after a near brush with death in the first week of zoom meetings that would become the norm during the Covid-19 pandemic. I earned my degree on 1 April 2020, on April Fool's day during the largest pandemic of my lifetime. I am now an Adjunct Professor teaching both Hebrew and Greek for Israel Institute of Biblical Studies and applying to as many places as I can for a full-time position.