
Download Endorsements
Download the Series Editor's preface by Donald Carson
I have published a volume in the Studies in Biblical Greek series at Peter Lang. This work is an engagement with linguistics in order to better explain what a Greek Perfect tense is, and how it functions. This work interacts with a number of scholars including those involved in the "Perfect Tense debate."
I have included the endorsements page and the Series Editor's preface along with my own preface in the attached documents on this page. I thank many of the persons involved in making this project possible in my own preface.
Download my own preface containing a list of persons to whom I give thanks
Link to the Publisher

I have published a number of critical book reviews, where I evaluated volumes that were "fresh from the press," to estimate how well each book fits within its genre, and how well the author handled the issues he or she raised. I also estimated the best use for each book in academic settings.
I have published some articles as well treating a number of issues in the academic world.