Speaking Engagements
What materials I present
My materials contain a thorough sifting from the best of the available biblical scholarship, coupled with my own research and thoughts regarding scholarship. My material reflects a keen interest in the way one takes information from the Greek Bible and presents it to others in Modern languages, such as English. This often involves a variety scientific approaches to analyzing text and language. In the course of my studies, I have been exposed to a number of issues that impact one’s understanding of the text. Some of these materials are well-suited to interested persons of all types, while others might be best for a group of pastors, or group leaders. I am prepared to lecture and moderate discussion regarding several topics listed below:
Biblical Studies
The Message of the book of Galatians [best suited for a 5-hour format]
The Message of the book of James [best suited for a 5-hour format]
The Message of the book of Ephesians [best suited for a 5-hour format]
The Message of the book of 1 John [best suited for a 5-hour format]
The Message of the book of Romans [best suited for a 5-hour format]
The Synoptic Problem and various solutions [best suited for a 5-hour format]
Why do we have 4 gospels? [best suited for either a 5-, or a 10-hour format]
General NT backgrounds – Among other things, this explains the kind of world Jesus and the writers of the New Testament lived in, and shows how it affects passages in Scripture. It includes the religious, political, sociological, and geographic world of then New Testament [best suited for a 10-hour format]
Inter-Testamental History – What happened between the two testaments that prepared the setting for Jesus’ ministry? [best suited for a 10-hour format]
How we got our Greek New Testament – The Canon [best suited for a 5-hour format]
Manuscripts of the New Testament [This can fit 5-, 10-, or 40-hour format]
How we got our English Bible [This can fit 5-, 10-hour format]
Critiquing biblical critics – working through how to respond to critics of the Bible [best suited for a 5-, or 9- hour format]
Biblical Exegesis (English based version) – This is a “how-to” course with practical hands-on work.This is designed for preparing lessons on the Bible or English-based sermons. [This fits a 40-hour format best]
General Theology – This is an overview of basic doctrines of the Church [best suited for the 40-hour format, although some could be covered in shorter formats]
What does it mean to be a Christian? [best suited for a 5- hour format]
What is the Sanctification of the Believer? – this covers what it is and what it is not. [best suited for a 5- hour format]
Spiritual Formation for the Academic – Struggles and Blessings on this road [best suited for a 5-hour format]
Church History
Development of monastic orders [best suited for a 5-hour format]
Development of monarchical episcopate [best suited for a 5-hour format]
Development of reform in the Church [best suited for a 10-hour format]
American Great awakenings [best suited for a 10-hour format]
Comparative World Religions [This can fit 5-, 10-, or 40-hour format]
Cults [This can fit 5-, 10-, or 40-hour format]
Greek Language
Greek grammar [best suited for two consecutive 40-hour format sessions]
Advanced Issues in Greek
Greek syntax – Prerequisite: Greek Grammar or proficiency with Logos or BibleWorks. [This is best suited for one 40-hour format]
Linguistics as it relates to studying the Greek Bible – Prerequisite: Greek Grammar or proficiency with Logos or BibleWorks. [This can be suited for a 5-, 10-, or 40-hour format]
Verbal aspect – Comparing the approaches of Porter, Fanning, and Campbell. – Prerequisite: Greek Grammar or proficiency with Logos or BibleWorks. [suitable for a 5- or 10-hour format]
Translating Greek to English – This is a “how-to” course with practical hands-on work – Prerequisite: Greek Grammar or proficiency with Logos or BibleWorks. [This can be suited for a 5-, 10-, or 40-hour format]
Comparative Bible translations – Prerequisite: Greek Grammar or proficiency with Logos or BibleWorks. [This can be suited for a 5-, 10-, or 40-hour format]
Biblical Exegesis (Greek Bible based version) – This is a “how-to” course with practical hands-on work. This is designed to enable the learner to write exegetical sermons or biblical commentaries. Prerequisite: Greek grammar and Greek syntax [This fits a 40-hour format best]