Speaking Engagements

Several discussions in the academic world impact our understanding of the biblical text. Some areas in each of the following areas are currently under debate. In some cases, these ongoing debates will affect how the text is understood, and in others, they will affect how one justifies a particular understanding of the text.
Greek Language
Scientific Approaches to the text
Linguistics (scientific approaches to language)
During the course of my studies, I have become aware of several discussions in the academic world that affect how the Bible is being understood various circles world-wide.
I am available to speak regarding the following matters as they relate to connecting current scholarship to our understanding of the text. I have materials available that are designed for 1-, 5-, 10-, and 40-hour formats. I am also available to present a sermon on certain texts from the material if preferred.
Be sure to check the pages through the buttons below for more information, if you would like to schedule me to speak.
The best way to contact me is through my email address: sedlacekj@hotmail.com