This is where I will post any news regarding various things I encounter in my academic field.
Older newsletters will be posted on my blog
This, I have been continuing to teach in an Adjunct status for Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. At the peak of Spring, I was teaching 25 different classes. I am more than full-time busy, but not full-time employed. (25 adjunct fees are equivalent to about 1/2 of a salary). So, I am still searching for a full-time position. I have kept my search wide, including traditional New Testament posts and research fellowships where I could pursue further grammatical research. I have also applied to some positions for publishers in the editing role. The number of applicants to each job is still massive, and I have at least heard back from most of the institutions this year. I had one interview as well. I have a number of applications currently in process, and am hoping one or more of them are interested, with at least one good fit.
I attended the Midwest Regional SBL this February virtually. I presented a paper on the infinitives in 1 Tim 2, and received some feedback. I attended the annual Stone-Campbell Journal Conference in-person this Spring. I got to see a number of friends I have not seen in several years. Either they didn't attend the virtual conferences of the last couple years, or I was consistently in a different zoom room than they were. I presented two papers this Spring. The first was a continuation paper on the pragmatics of the Greek Perfect tense-form. The second was on the complex infinitives in 1 Tim 2:12. This paper generated a lot of feedback in the Q&A session. This conference has been a great place for me to present a number of papers over the years. I also work for the Stone-Campbell Journal to coordinate book reviews. From the book assigning, to the reviewers receiving their books, to completed reviews coming in for me to compile, the process has been a little faster this year than last year. The pandemic affected so many work areas and people that the whole process got bogged down. As more places are getting used to the "new normal," it seems to be returning slowly to the normal speed.
My oldest son got married last year, and my youngest son will get married this Fall. It was fun getting to know the the parents of the bride-to-be. My wife and I got to visit our eldest and his wife in Arizona this February. I felt pretty good the week we were out there, but this late Winter and Spring, I have had a number of health issues. I have been struggling with being sick a fair amount of the time since last year. It seems that I will be sick frequently for several days. The only thing I can figure is that when I had Covid two years ago, it ruined my defenses to everything else and damaged a lot of me. My liver was greatly affected, but now due some excellent treatment, the numbers have returned mostly to the normal ranges, and others to nearly normal. My heart was sending me the the hospital several times this Spring, but it has gotten better. It seems to have been affected by the medicine I was on for the liver. But now, the dosage on that medicine is much lower. I cut back on my teaching hours some after March, and that helped too. I am still learning how to cope with all this.
I managed to finish editing my thesis, and sent it in to the publisher. I have been corresponding with the editors seeing it through to publication as a book. Several of my friends have now gotten their theses published. That made me happy. I am not planning to attend the annual ETS, and SBL/AAR this Fall although I did last Fall. I am having a harder time committing to things that cost a lot, but I plan on going next year. The career fairs were not operational at both conferences last year, as they weren't either the year before. Maybe they will do some things online still. My session moderation in New Testament went well last year, and I look forward to doing that again. I am still contemplating what areas to become involved with in biblical theology. These so far include the nature of humanity, the communal components of salvation and sanctification, the nature of church leadership, and biblical resources for care of the community.