Curriculum Vitae
New Testament Background
New Testament Survey
New Testament Introduction
Inter-Testamental History
Greek Grammar Level 1 & 2
Hebrew Grammar Level 1& 2
Church History
Comparative World Religions
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(under contract) James E. Sedlacek, A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of the Verbal Aspect Integral to the Perfect and Pluperfect Tense-forms: A Corpus-based Approach Situating the Pauline Corpus within a Diachronic Corpus of Epistolary Literature. Studies in Biblical Greek. Pieterlen, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Article Publications
(2019) James E. Sedlacek, “A Diachronic Analysis of The Form of the Greek Perfect and its Associated Uses: Arguing for a Complex Verbal Aspect,” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (7-9/9/2017, London): Selected Papers, 235-247.
(2016) James E. Sedlacek, “Reimagining Οἶδα: Indo-European Etymology, Morphology and Semantics Point to its Aspect,” Conversations with the Biblical World, vol. 36, 2016, 146-163.
(2015) co-authored, Aaron Burgess and James E. Sedlacek, “Academic Freedom in Christian Church (Independent) Institutions of Higher Education: Critical Matters Regarding Academic Freedom,” , 18.1, Spring 2015, 13-25.
(2021), a book review of History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions and Trajectories: A Textual Analysis of Manuscripts from the Second to the Fifth Century, by Chris S. Stevens, , 24.1, Spring 2021, forthcoming.
(2021), a book review of Linguistics and New Testament Greek: Key Issues in the Current Debate, by David Alan Black and Benjamin L. Merkle, , 24.1, Spring 2021, forthcoming.
(2020), a book review of Introduction to Biblical Greek: A Grammar with Exercises, Revised Edition, by John D. Schwandt, , 23.2, Fall, 304-305.
(2019), a book review of Origins of the Greek Verb, by Andreas Willi, Stone-Campbell Journal, 22.2, Fall 2019, 301-303.
(2018), a book review of Linguistics and Biblical Exegesis, by Douglas Mangum and Josh Westbury, Stone-Campbell Journal, 21.2, Fall 2019, 297-298.
(2018), a book review of Verbal Periphrasis in Ancient Greek: Have- and Be- Constructions, by Klaas Bentein, Stone-Campbell Journal, 21.2, Fall 2018, 295-297.
(2018), a book review of Paul’s Letters and Greco-Roman Literature: Theorizing a New Taxonomy. NovTSup 167, by Paul Robertson, Stone-Campbell Journal, 21.1, Spring 2018, 149-150.
(2017), a book review of The Greek Verb Revisited: A Fresh Approach for Biblical Exegesis, by Steve Runge and Chris Fresch, Stone-Campbell Journal, 20.2, Fall 2017, 294-296.
(2017), a book review of Revisiting Aspect and Aktionsart: A Corpus Approach to Koine Greek Event Typology, by Francis G. H. Pang, Stone-Campbell Journal, 20.1, Spring 2017, 140-141.
(2017), a book review of Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament, by David L. Matthewson and Elodie Ballantine Emig, Stone-Campbell Journal, 20.1, Spring 2017, 138-140.
(2017), a book review of Κοινη Γραμματικη. Koine Greek Grammar: A Beginning-Intermediate Greek Exegetical and Pragmatic Handbook, by Fredrick Long, Stone-Campbell Journal, 20.1, Spring 2017, 136-138.
(2016), a book review of Advances in the Study of Greek: New Insights for Reading the New Testament, by Constantine R. Campbell, Stone-Campbell Journal, 19.2, Fall 2016, 299-300.
(2016), a book review of The Greek Verb, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics: Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting on Greek Linguistics, Agrigento, October 1-3, 2009. By Annamaria Bartolotta, Stone-Campbell Journal, 19.2, Fall 2016, 296-298.
(2016), a book review of New Testament Language and Exegesis: A Diachronic Approach. WUNT:323, by Chrys Caragounis, Stone-Campbell Journal, 19.1, Spring 2016, 148-149.
(2015), a book review of Creation Language in Romans 8: A Study in Monosemy, by Gregory P. Fewster, Stone-Campbell Journal, 18.1, Spring 2015, 143-144.
(2015), a book review of The Greek Article: A Functional Study of the o- Items in the Greek New Testament with Special Emphasis on the Greek Article, by Ronald J. Peters, Stone-Campbell Journal, 18.1, Spring 2015, 141-143.
(2014), a book review of Verbal Aspect in the Synoptic Parallels: On the Method and Meaning of Divergent Tense-Form Usage in the Synoptic Passion Narratives, by Wally Cirafesi, Stone-Campbell Journal, 17.2, Fall 2014, 296-297.
(2014), a book review of The Early Text of the New Testament, by Charles E. Hill and Michael J. Kruger, Stone-Campbell Journal, 17.1, Spring 2014, 139-141.
(2013), a book review of Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament: an Essential Reference Resource for Exegesis, by Murray Harris, Stone-Campbell Journal, 16.2, Fall 2013, 297-298.
(2013), a book review of Novum Testamentum Graecum Editio Critica Maior: Parallel Pericopes: Special Volume Regarding the Synoptic Gospels, by Holger Strutwolf and Klaus Wachtel, Stone-Campbell Journal, 16.1, Spring 2013, 139-140.
(2013), a book review of Hermeneutics: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, by Stanley E. Porter and Jason C. Robinson, Stone-Campbell Journal, 16.1, Spring 2013, 134-136.
(2012), a book review of The UBS Greek New Testament: Reader’s Edition with Textual Notes, by Barclay M. Newman and Florian Voss, editors, Stone-Campbell Journal, 16.1, Spring 2013, 116.
(2011), a book review of Fundamentals of New Testament Greek, by Stanley E. Porter, Jeffrey T. Reed, and Matthew Brooke O’Donnell, and Fundamentals of New Testament Greek: Workbook, by Stanley E. Porter and Jeffrey T. Reed, Stone-Campbell Journal, 14.2, Fall 2011, 305-307.
(2011), a book review of The Hebrew Gospel and the Development of the Synoptic Tradition, by James R. Edwards, Stone-Campbell Journal, 14.2, Fall 2011, 309-310.
(2011), a book review of Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar. 3rd ed., by William D. Mounce, Stone-Campbell Journal, 14.1, Spring 2011, 126-128.
(2010), a book review of Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview and Cultural Formation, by James K. A. Smith, Cultural Liturgies: 1, Stone-Campbell Journal, 13.2, Fall 2010, 282-284.
(2010), a book review of A New Reader’s Lexicon of the Greek New Testament, by Michael H. Burer and Jeffery E. Miller, Stone-Campbell Journal, 13.1, Spring 2010, 146-148.
(2009), a book review of Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek, by Constantine R. Campbell, Stone-Campbell Journal, 12.2, Fall 2009, 295-297.
(2009), a book review of James, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: 16, by Craig L. Blomberg and Mariam J. Kamell, edited by Clinton E. Arnold, Stone-Campbell Journal, 12.2, Fall 2009, 314-317.
(2009), a book review of Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends, by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Stone-Campbell Journal, 12.1, Spring 2009, 91-93.
(2008), a book review of God and Empire: Jesus Against Rome Then and Now, by John Dominic Crossan, Stone-Campbell Journal, 11.2, Fall 2008, p. 304-305.
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(2021), “The Perfect Tense in Pauline Discourse: Assessing Prominence and Discourse Function within Pragmatics,” Presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, Lincoln, IL, Apr 17, online.
(2020), “Is the Perfect tense in the Pauline corpus a ‘Front-grounding’ tense or a ‘Backgrounding’ Tense: Interaction with Stanley Porter, Steven Runge, and Stephen Levinsohn,” Presented at the Ehrhardt Seminar, University of Manchester, Oct 15, online.
(2019), “The Complex Aspect of the Greek Synthetic Perfect Tense-form Supported by the Grammaticalisation of its Components,” Presented at the Nazarene Theological College Postgraduate Seminar, Nov 6, online.
(2019), “Verbal Aspect in the Analysis of Perfect Participles in Ephesians,” Presented at The Institute for the Art of Biblical Communication, July 20, Online at https://coffeewithpaul.com.
(2018), “Analyzing 1 Peter and 2 Timothy from a Corpus-based Approach: Did the Same Person Write Both Letters?” Presented at the annual Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, April 6, Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Johnson City, TN.
(2018), “Corpus Composition and Methods for Diachronic Research of New Testament Epistles,” Presented at 2018 Midwest Region SBL, February 3, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana.
(2017), “A Diachronic Analysis of The Form of the Greek Perfect and its Associated Uses: Arguing for a Complex Verbal Aspect,” Presented at the 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, September 7, Westminster College, London, United Kingdom.
(2017), “Specialised Uses of the Perfect Tense-form in the Pauline Epistles,” Presented at the 2018 British New Testament Conference, September 2, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland.
(2017), “Connecting the Morphology of the Greek Perfect to its Aspectual Properties,” Presented at the 2017 Conference, April 7, Johnson University, Knoxville, TN.
(2017), “A Model for Greek Verbs: A New Construction with an Aim towards Applying Verbal Aspect Theory,” presented at the 2017 Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society regional meeting, March 16, Akron, Ohio.
(2016), “A Corpus-based Approach for Analysing Greek Perfect Tense-forms: Problems in Corpus Design and its Functionality,” presented at the 2016 Summer School in Corpus Linguistics, June 22, University of Birmingham, UK.
(2016), “Reimagining Οἶδα: Indo-European Etymology, Morphology and Semantics Point to its Aspect,” Presented at the 2016 Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society regional meeting, March 10, Perrysville, Ohio.
(2015), “Perfect Tense-form in Pauline Literature: Considerations When Regarding the Verbal Aspect of the Perfect Tense-form in 1 Corinthians 15:4,” Presented at the 2015 Conference, April 10, Indianapolis, Indiana.
(2012), “Changes in the Understanding of the Greek Aorist Indicative Tense-form from the late 1980’s to Present Day: Semantics and Pragmatics,” Presented at the 2012 Aldersgate Forum, October 24, Higher Ground, Indiana.
(2011), “Verbal Aspect in James: a Close Look at Hermeneutical Issues,” Presented at Cincinnati Christian University, 2011 Conference, April 8-9, Cincinnati, OH.
(2011), “Issues in Job 41: Using the Broad Dialogue Model,” Presented at Cincinnati Christian University, 2011 Midwest Regional Evangelical Theological Society Conference, March 25-26, Cincinnati, OH.
(2009), “Constructing a Hermeneutical Model: Horizons in Dialogue,” Presented at Cincinnati Christian University, 2009 Conference, April 17-18, Cincinnati, OH.
(2009), “Shifting Horizons: More Horizons to Consider,” Presented at Cincinnati Christian University Seminary Department, Biblical Studies Forum, February 17, Cincinnati, OH.