Project | 01
Greek Epistolary Corpus
I am compiling a large collection of Greek Epistles, and entering the text in a way that Corpus Linguistic Software can electronically analyse the data. The collection of letters will include letters in the Greek language from approximately 500 BCE to 500 CE, while cataloguing them by date. The Greek language during this time exhibits a morphological stability. The idea is to illustrate what remains the same throughout this period, and then contrast it with what is changing.

Project | 02
Verbal Aspect of the Greek synthetic Perfect Tense-form.
This is the primary focus of my dissertation. I am sifting through various scholarly treatments on the Greek Perfect, and reading various linguistic works in order to better explain verbal aspect and define what it is for the Greek Perfect. This study also has implications for the Indo-European languages as well and all languages in general.

Project | 03
Text Processing for Greek
I am building a morphological tagger along with some Python code that will process whatever Greek text I input. The goal of this project is to be able to tag more of the morphological elements of Greek than what is currently being tagged. The purpose of this is to analyse Greek text for collocates of certain morphemes.
Chart of the conjugation of all verbs found in the Perfect tense-form within the Pauline corpus
Project | 04
Greek tense-form morphology comparison
Paul uses a number of verbs as a Perfect tense in the Pauline corpus. I have build a chart that contains a large number of verbal forms for each of these verbs, showing all the ways that they can appear morphologically. The point was to be as thorough as possible so that an accurated comparison could be performed..