New Greek Dictionary

Brill published a new Greek Dictionary last year in the English language, which was designed to update several older Greek dictionaries, such as Liddell, Scott, and Jones' dictionary (LSJ) and Bauer, Arndt, Gingrich, and Danker's dictionary (BAGD). It is largely a translation of an Italian language work, by Franco Montanari, with editing of the work done by The Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC.
A short assessment of this volume is that it includes words from a greater part of history than does either LSJ or BAGD, and especially includes more data from the papyrii of the 1st and 2nd centuries. However it repeats some of the errors in both, and creates some new ones due to its translation history, Greek - German - Italian - English. The other two were Greek - German - English.
It cannot replace either LSJ or BAGD, but rather supplements them where it has more data or where it has some corrections. Due to its subtitle, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek, having the same initials in the same order as the older edition of BAGD, (BDAG), its abbreviation will be GE instead.